Personal Information

Rodríguez Fernández
Instituto Galego de Física de Altas Enerxías (formerly Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela)

Ricardo Rodríguez got his degree in Biology in the University of Santiago de Compostela in 1988. He initiated a research career in the field of Forest Health in Lourizán Forestry Research Centre, in Pontevedra. Spain. Soon he becomes more involved in managerial and knowledge transfer tasks than in more purely scientific matters. Being the contact with final users one of the main objectives of the centre at Lourizán makes easier to develop a technology transfer career. In the Forestry field, he was involved in the development and management of European Union funded projects from the 5th, 6th and 7th Framework Programs and the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST). The skills acquired during this period led him to the work as information and communication technologies facilitator first and technical secretary in a second period of an European Network in a quite different field: The European Thematic Network on Health and Social Welfare Policies (Phoenix Thematic Network) under the Erasmus Thematic Networks funding scheme between 2001 and 2007. In periods overlapping these two main occupations, he acted as ICT facilitator for the Compostela Group of Universities, coordinator of several initiatives at regional, national and global levers among which is of particular relevance the informal/non funded network EPEC Network (Environment, Palaeoenvironment and Environmental Change Network).
In 2008 he joint the Genomics Medicine Group and Galician Public Foundation of Genomic Medicine management team. This was his first contact with Biomedical research. There contribute to the accreditation process of the Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS) as Research Centre of the Spanish Healthcare System. Due to previous commitments he moved back to the Environment/Humanities interface and contribute to the design of a new research centre of the Spanish Scientific Research Council to be build in the following years in Santiago de Compostela: the Heritage Sciences Research Centre. Early in 2011 he go back again to biomedicine/healthcare were he currently enjoy as scientific research promotion and management the IDIS. These two position offered new opportunities to gain experience in the international arena.
Back and forth movements and changes between apparently different fields have provided a rich point of view about the knowledge generation process. Also, the possibility of identified common trends to be addressed from a management office.
With the years, the use of information and communication technologies has become foundational in his approach to research management.

Contact Information

+34 657 98 52 81

Galician Institute of High Energy Physics
Rúa de Xoaquín Díaz de Rábago, s/n,
Campus Vida, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
15782 Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain

External Links

@Vimeo, @Facebook, @LinkedIn, @Google+

Activity stream of Ricardo Rodríguez Fernández


25 Jul

12 Jul

21 Jun

11 Dec 2023

20 Sep 2023

16 Sep 2023

14 Sep 2023

11 Sep 2023

06 Sep 2023

23 Aug 2023

19 Aug 2023

18 Aug 2023

Created by Ricardo Rodríguez Fernández on 2014/08/04 10:33
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