# ## Allow to load Java based modules in my Mac Pro (June 19, 2017) dyn.load('/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_144.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/server/libjvm.dylib') # ## Load packages to deal with gist library(gistr) library(devtools) # ## Load packages that throw a warning if not included here in my Mac Pro library(datasets) library(utils) library(grDevices) library(graphics) # ## Load packages required to access Excel datasheets library(foreign) # ##library(XLConnect) ##library(xlsx) ##library(reshape2) library(stringr) # library(openxlsx) library(readODS) library(googlesheets) # ## Configuring locale if(!grepl("^3.3", R.version$minor)) Sys.setlocale(category = "LC_ALL", locale = "en_US.UTF-8") # Sys.setenv("PATH"=paste("/usr/local/bin:",Sys.getenv("PATH"),sep='')) # options(github.username = 'rrodrigueznt') options(repos = 'http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu/') # ## Added row.names(oldp) <- c() to avoid errors due to duplicated rownames when a package ## is listed more than once (rjr doesn't know why!) # oldpDF <- as.data.frame(old.packages(), check.names = FALSE) row.names(oldpDF) <- c() cat("\n") if(nrow(oldpDF) > 0) {print(oldpDF[,c('Package','Installed','ReposVer','Repository')])} cat("\n") # si <- sessionInfo() ##paste('R version ',si[[1]]$major,'.',si[[1]]$minor,sep = "") ## ... is equivalent to... ##getRversion() #